Welcome to NY Lisp Pendens, New York's best source of pre-foreclosure listings. Since 1993, we've been helping investors, Realtors and lenders understand the foreclosure process and find homeowners in default who need their help to avoid foreclosure.
WWW.NYLISPENDENS.COM is the only website that updates lis pendens pre-foreclosures EVERY DAY (that the courts are open) as they are filed in the courthouse. We provide records for 10 New York counties in an easy-to-read, easy to understand format. To view a sample of our data along with an explanation of each field, click here.
The number of lis pendens filed in New York this year has increased by 30% over last year. Several factors have contributed to this phenomenon, and the trend is expected to continue. Why spend hours running from one court room to another, poring over multiple documents when a membership to www.nylispendens.com can provide it all in one complete, current, concise, and accurate database you can access right from your computer? Be the first to market to homeowners who need your services. Join www.nylispendens.com and rely on us to do the legwork for you while you concentrate on the business of making money.
As a member of www.nylispendens.com, you'll have access to our database of 98056 pre-foreclosure records, with new records filed every day! Join now. Membership also includes a mailing label format, so you can begin your marketing campaign right away.